On February 18, 2009 we had to make the extremely difficult decision to euthanize Sequoia and two of our other horses. We acquired haylage on February 5th and were promised it was safe for horses. Perhaps they didn't know, and we certainly should have researched it ourselves. Our girls became extremely ill on the 16th and could not be saved despite our vet's best efforts. The diagnosis: botulism, a bacteria which they ingested via the haylage. Please research botulism and haylage, and think twice before you feed anything but good clean grass hay to your horses. Botulism is most often fatal, and in the case of our girls, no amount of money or extent of treatment would have saved them. Losing these girls has been extremely devastating, as anyone could imagine. There will always be a hole in our hearts, but if we can use our experience to help educate others and spread awareness, perhaps the girls' deaths won't be in vain. Click here for a very good webpage regarding botulism. |
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Sequoia is our baby. I don't think I've ever shown a pic of Quoia to anyone without getting a compliment back. "Now there is the filly I L-O-V-E!" is usually what people say. Everyone thinks she is the finest little thing. She is a dream come true for us. You can't go wrong with her conformation, color, or ability!
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I cannot thank Jennifer Coy enough for making it possible for us to own this filly. We started her undersaddle lightly as a 2 year old. She has spent this summer just trail riding and maturing. We are looking forward to a cow chasing future for Sequoia. It shouldn't take much to get here there, she has been chasing the cows since she was 6 months old. Her sire is a money earning cutter and grandson of Mr San Peppy, so it's no surpise she has so much cow sense.
Webpage last updated: February 26, 2009
All photos and text © Copyright 2009, A TOUCH OF K.L.A.S.S PAINTS. All Rights Reserved.
Website designed and maintained by Klassic Web Designs.